Last Sunday about this time I was arriving home from a great weekend in Moab with my friend Nancy. Looking outside at the snow on the ground right now I'm wishing I were still there - Moab was full of Spring.
Nancy and I had signed up for the
Canyonlands Half-Marathon yet again, but in between the time of registration and race day we both developed problems (Nance - an injured foot. Me - pneumonia) that were throwing a wrench into our usual race plans.
Up until the morning we left for Moab I was determined to run the half come hell or high water, never mind I was less than three weeks out from having pneumonia and wheezed my way through just 4 miles. Two days before the race my friend Raj suggested I might not be in any kind of condition to actually run thirteen miles - but what did he know? He's a pediatrician, for Heaven's sake! LOL

On the morning of the race - with the excitement of the race and being with Nance - my denial had vanished and Nancy and I found ourselves lining up with (oh, I hate to admit it!) the 5 mile racers at the starting line as we made snarky remarks about being demoted to the
beginners race this year. Okay, it was just me making those remarks because Nancy is far too nice to stoop to my level : ) Of course, the 5 milers were probably shooting me glances of pity as they saw me dragging on this at the starting line.

See Nancy RunIn the end the race was fun and enjoyable, and it was nice to be finished running after 40 minutes versus two hours so that we had more time to
talk, which is the real reason for the trip , anyway. Nancy is the best conversationalist and we literally do not stop talking the entire three days we spend together.
We sat around talking in the sunny park for four hours waiting for the shuttle to take us back to our lodgings; staying here is the other reason we come on the trip : ) That afternoon we somewhat guiltily (because we knew husbands were back home wrangling the kids) indulged in spa there. Our talking being so consuming that we stayed in the sauna way too long. Had a great dinner ~ they actually have a very good restaurant at the ranch ~ and went back to our cozy lodge and beds. What a great day.

It was hard to say goodbye to a view like this from our front porch, but Sunday morning it was time to head back home. We caught a sacrament meeting in Moab before heading out and loved seeing the several other visitors in attendance who were dressed in their running clothes. Hello, the race was, like, yesterday. I loved it, though - especially the guy in running clothes AND bare feet!

And of course we spent the entire drive (getting progressively colder as we drove towards snow) in great conversation about extended family, people we knew in high school, church callings, gospel principles, temples, old boyfriends, kids, etc.

And best of all, for me, is that I've known Nancy for so long she knows all my annoying habits and features, but just chooses to ignore them and loves me anyway. Love you, Nance.
Hey, next time, no talk about old boyfriends. You guys should spend all your time talking about your new boyfriends, AKA Jeremy and Matt (me). :-)
I'm so glad you were able to go. I missed you, but I was grateful to have you with a great friend. Nancy can borrow you whenever...but not for too long.
Sounds so fun, Jen. I want to do something like that, especially the spa stuff. And never feel guilty about a little indulgence, since you deserve it!
What a great thing you and sweet, sweet Nancy have going! I'm sure that it gives you the lift you each need to go back to all the Mom stuff 24/7.:-) And what awesome husbands you have to be Mr. Mom/Dad and be happy you get this fun break. You can go back home ready to deal with anything Lily throws at you ("Boy, I'm sure glad we don't have to listen to her anymore.")lol Hope you are feeling better; you sure look great! Love You, Mom
Geez, I am jealous! That does sound awesome! We need to start a tradition like that in the Asay family! Except cut out the running and add some theater (Shakespearean festival anyone).
Forget camping in Moab...that's where I'm staying next time!
Wow, sounds like a fun weekend. I am beyond impressed that you'd even consider a half-marathon. The most I've done is a 10K and I thought I was going to die, but then again, I didn't train really well for it either. You both look amazing. Knowing how fun the two of you both are, I'm sure it was a great weekend.
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